Sunday, July 08, 2007


Who doesn't admire people who know exactly what they are aiming toward, what they really want to get done? Even after all these years of MBO Management (Management By Objectives), who in business still does not appreciate a meeting that starts with someone stating, "Here are the objectives for today's meeting"? So why is it that when it comes to investing big bucks in all kinds of marketing activities we so infrequently have in mind what results we expect, other than the obvious ones like, "grow share" or "keep the momentum going"? This week we once again return to the all-important subject of Marketing Objectives, and we take a shot at answering some of the common questions we encounter about them. A fundamental subject, but one that it seems we cannot review enough!

The Dispatch for July 8, 2007 can be found here:

MarketingObjective-Some Lingering Questions.pdf (PDF File)


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