Sunday, June 29, 2008


Marketing has and continues to evolve in importance, function and form. Each week we share our learning and knowledge with you through DISPATCHES, to help empower marketing. We're hopeful that this week you'll share with us. Specifically, we are interested in learning from those of you in our DISPATCHES marketing community more about the state of marketing as it is currently perceived and practiced throughout the world.

Our goal is to gain a fix on where marketing stands both in the absolute and relative to mother functional areas by sector and geography as perceived by different levels of our State of Marketing electronic survey to share with us how marketing is being practiced in your organization. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to complete. We will share our learnings with you.

THANKS FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION in furthering our mutual knowledge and understanding of the current state of marketing.

Just click on the link below which should take you directly to the short online survey. If for any reason your browser doesn't allow the direct click, just copy the link and paste it in your address bar and hit go. Note: If you are a CS or an AOL user, you may need to open your email from a more universal browser (i.e., Internet Explorer or Firefox) to fully interact with the survey. The surveys must be finished by 5:00PM CST on Monday, July 7, 2008. Prior to that time you may go in and out of the survey as often as you need to in order to complete it as long as you don't click "Done" at the end of the survey. The link follows:


At 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't see the entire link address in the window provided. How can I take the survey?

At 2:57 PM , Blogger BDN International said...

So sorry that the link address was too large for the space alloted on the Blog. To take the survey go directly to our website, and you'll see a rectangular button on the left side of the home page that will allow you to take the survey. Thank you for calling this to our attention.


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