Sunday, December 14, 2008


Well, we are deep into the holiday season now, and this also means that we are issuing our last Dispatches for 2008. As is common when a year winds down, there is a tendency to want to step back and look at some broader or bigger picture of things. That's what this week's Dispatches aims to do - in particular to take a broader look at brand-building and offer some tangible moves to make it more effective. As our starting point, though, we are using a thirty-year old speech given at Procter & Gamble entitled, If I Were a Brand Manager Today. At its time, it was a most helpful speech by P&G's Vice-Chairman, Mr. Tom Laco. We've borrowed from his title and, hopefully, have updated some of his suggestions in what we're now calling, If I Were a Brand-Builder Today. We hope you find it as helpful as we found Mr. Laco's - and we hope to be once again sharing our Dispatches thoughts with you in early 2009. Happy Holidays!

The DISPATCHESTM for December 14, 2008 can be found here:

If I Were A Manager Today...

A printer / handheld friendly version can be found here:

If I Were A Manager Today...

It is also available in PDF here:

IfIWereAManagerToday.pdf (PDF File)


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