Sunday, December 11, 2011


What do we mean by "Connect With Feeling" and what does that have to do with Marketing anyway? Read on...
In order to provide you your preferred version of our DISPATCHES we have supplied the following links: To view this article in its entirety directly from our website, please click on the first link below. We have also provided a printer/handheld link and a pdf link. Depending upon your personal computer setup it may be necessary to copy and paste the link into your address bar.

Should you experience any problem in opening any of these links, please contact Lori Vandervoort at or call 800-255-9831 (620-431-0780).
The DISPATCHESTM for December 11, 2011 can be found here:

A printer / handheld friendly version can be found here:

It is also available in PDF here:

Sunday, December 04, 2011


So many things in marketing are so fundamental. No doubt, the same can be said on virtually any profession. How often do we hear top-notch athletes and their coaches extol the virtues of "blocking and tackling"? Given their absolute necessity, you would think, then, that the fundamentals get executed about 99% of the time. But they don't, do they? Because we are human, and subject to forgetfulness (sometimes laziness?) and so on, we forget or get sloppy with our fundamentals. Take one of the most obvious ones in business and in marketing: clearly and precisely stating the objectives each and every time we begin work. That's one that we would like to re-visit this week.
To view this article in its entirety directly from our website, please click (or copy and paste in your address bar) the appropriate link below. We have also provided a hand-held device link if that is your preferred method of viewing. And finally, we have provided a link to a pdf copy. Should you experience any problem in opening any of these links, please contact Lori Vandervoort at or call 800-255-9831 (620-431-0780).
The DISPATCHESTM for December 4, 2011 can be found here:

A printer / handheld friendly version can be found here:

It is also available in PDF here: