Sunday, April 22, 2007


So many things to talk about -- and so little time! It seems we are rarely at a loss for hot topics (or just plain important Fundamentals) to feature in our weekly Dispatches. But sometimes there is a smattering of things that don't warrant a full-blown article and yet are top-of-mind. That's what we offer this week: three "short subjects" for your consideration -- dealing with what it takes to get real, involving IMPACT in your communications; why building a "brand kitchen" makes sense; and the importance of doing a brands' positioning rather than just saying it.

The Dispatch for April 22, 2007 can be found here:

ShortSubjects2007.pdf (PDF File)

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Have you ever watched a political interview or debate and found yourself screaming aloud at the TV something like, "Would you please answer the question"? It seems harder and harder to get an honest answer from anyone these days -- brands included. It's not so much that brands consciously lie or even hide the truth in their communications and advertising; but it's more that they so rarely speak to their customers with a shared candor and honesty. When a brand DOES speak with the genuine voice of a shared understanding about what's real and what isn't, the results are powerful. If you don't believe that, look inside what has made brands like Dove and MasterCard so successful in their ad campaigns -- the subject of this week's DISPATCHES.

The Dispatch for April 15, 2007 can be found here:

TheTrendTowardHonesty2007.pdf (PDF File)

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Emotional connections are vitally important in creating brand loyalty. Why is it that consumers will pay a significant price premium (upwards of 50%) for Johnson's Baby Powder? Is it the talc ingredient found in the product? Or is it the product's fragrance? The fact of the matter is that competitive baby powder products are comprised of the same ingredients--talc and fragrance. And, while the rational mind of the consumer chooses to defend the selection of Johnson's Baby Powder with one of these product attributes the subconscious mind, if plumbed, would undoubtedly reveal an emotional connection. It's the only connection that matters when it comes to establishing "brands."

The Dispatch for April 8, 2007 can be found here:

PlumbingTheDepthsOfEmotions.pdf (PDF File)

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Just for a moment consider "The Campaign Idea" as the "center of the plate" (e.g., steak, fish, poultry) of your advertising or, if you prefer, marketing communications. In other words it provides the needed nourishment to customers about your brand in communicating the point-of-difference message in a compelling manner and, thereby, stimulating preference for it. Whet your appetitite? Want to hear more? Click on the appropriate link below to view the article in its entirety.

The Dispatch for April 1, 2007 can be found here:
Developing Campaign Ideas.pdf (PDF File)