Sunday, May 18, 2008

More Than A Refresher

There are a number of important reasons why professionals avail themselves of CME programs. No, we are not talking about Continuing Medical Education programs as sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. Instead we are talking about Continuing Marketing Education programs. Professionals appreciate the need to continue learning and building their competencies regardless of their chosen field.

The DISPATCHESTM for May 18, 2008 can be found here:

More Than A Refresher

It is also available in PDF here:

MoreThanARefresher08pdf.pdf (PDF File)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Words That "Walk With You"

We have all been taught, and probably learned from many real-life experiences, that the old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words" is certainly true. And yet, it's hard not to appreciate the value of the well-turned phrase...a set of highly memorable and repeatable words that we not only like the sound of but also enjoy the meaning of. Words such as these tend to stay with us. Or, as one of our clients likes to say about words such as these in the form of brand taglines or slogans, they "walk with you." This week we take a look at the essential characteristics of brand campaign slogans - what we have always referred to as Key Copy Words - in an effort to increase your brand's chances of getting its words to walk with your customers.

The DISPATCHESTM for May 11, 2008 can be found here:


It is also available in PDF here:

WordsThatWalkWithYou.pdf (PDF File)

Sunday, May 04, 2008


For the past few weeks we have been focusing our weekly Dispatches on ways to improve the direction clients give to their creative agencies - what we refer to as Good Coaching. Developing this skill takes a lot of practice, but even before the actual practice, it takes a commitment, a conscious desire to coach rather than to dictate. For this week, we have reprised on of our earlier articles that spotlights the underlying commitment of Skillful Means - that we think is a requirement for anyone seeking to improve their coaching.

The DISPATCHESTM for May 4, 2008 can be found here:


It is also available in PDF here:

The SkillfulMeanOfCommenting08.pdf (PDF File)