Sunday, May 29, 2011


There will be no DISPATCHES article for this week. It is our Memorial Day holiday here in the U.S. It is a time to celebrate our many freedoms purchased with the precious blood and lives of those courageous individuals (fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, relatives, friends and those whom we never met) who responded to the call of duty and fought in wars across the globe. We give special thanks on this day to each of them, and all those who currently serve in our nations' military on behalf of world peace.

Cover them over with beautiful flowers,
Deck them with garlands, those brothers of ours,
Lying so silent by night and by day
Sleeping the years of their manhood away.
Give them the meed they have won in the past;
Give them the honors their future forecast;
Give them the chaplets they won in the strife;
Give them the laurels they lost with their life.

-Will Carleton

We will return with a new DISPATCHES article on Sunday, 5 June.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Knowledge is power. Not facts. Not information. It is knowledge that is power. There is a lot of confusion regarding this point. Many believe that the person with all the facts at his or her disposal is the most knowledgeable...

To view this article in its entirety directly from our website, please copy and paste into your address bar the appropriate link below. We have also provided a pdf link if that is your preferred method of viewing.

Should you experience any problem in opening any of these links, please contact Lori Vandervoort at or call 800-255-9831 (620-431-0780).

The DISPATCHESTM for May 22, 2011 can be found here:

A printer / handheld friendly version can be found here:

It is also available in PDF here:

Sunday, May 15, 2011


A few weeks back, a guest writer in Advertising Age wrote about the dangers of what he called "brand grandiosity." He was speaking about the natural tendency of most brand marketers to perceive their product/brand significantly more favorably than many customers or consumers might. And he made a call for all marketers to maintain their passion?tempered with realism. We couldn't agree more. So this week we aim to help in this effort by identifying some of the most common "symptoms" of brand grandiosity.

To view this article in its entirety directly from our website, please copy and paste into your address bar the appropriate link below. We have also provided a pdf link if that is your preferred method of viewing.

Should you experience any problem in opening any of these links, please contact Lori Vandervoort at or call 800-255-9831 (620-431-0780).

The DISPATCHESTM for May 15, 2011 can be found here:

A printer / handheld friendly version can be found here:

It is also available in PDF here: