The Perceptual Competitve Framework - You CAN Get There From Here
In our brand positioning work with clients, we keep coming back to one of the most innovative and competitively powerful new positioning concepts - the Perceptual Competitive Framework. We have written about it many times in these DISPATCHES pages. Yet when we share the concept with many participants in our training seminars, while many participants find it intriguing, many also seem skeptical about being able to craft a perceptual frame for their brand. This week we take another look at the concept - with some practical tips to help brand-builders develop a differentiating frame for their brands.
The DISPATCHESTM for November 30, 2008 can be found here:
Perceptual Competitive Framework - You CAN Get There From Here
A printer / handheld friendly version can be found here:
Perceptual Competitive Framework - You CAN Get There From Here
It is also available in PDF here:
ThePerceptualCompetitiveFramework-YouCANGetThereFromHere.pdf (PDF File)