Sunday, July 27, 2008

Problems With Positioning Pharmaceutical Products

It's no secret that we at Brand Development Network International work in many sectors and in many parts of the world. One of these sectors is Pharma, namely BIG Pharma (i.e., the pharmaceutical industry). Our learning in the pharmaceutical sector is broad and deep. However, while invaluable, it's not always pretty. We learn not only from what they do correctly but what they do incorrectly as well...

Have you taken the State of Marketing Survey?

Weigh in

The DISPATCHESTM for July 27, 2008 can be found here:


It is also available in PDF here:

ProblemsWithPositioningPharmaceuticalProducts.pdf (PDF File)

Sunday, July 20, 2008


We've always liked that simple, crisp definition of marketing that goes something like this: "Marketing is the science and art of getting target customers to sustain or change their behavior in a way that favors the brand (and, ideally, not the competitors' brands)." Such a definition squarely focuses on that one thing in the organization marketers are responsible for that no one else is - affecting behaviors.

The DISPATCHESTM for July 20, 2008 can be found here:


It is also available in PDF here:

BehaviorScanForYourBrand.pdf (PDF File)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

An Interview With Brenda Bence - About You

In our first Dispatches newsletter of 2008, we talked about 10 key trends we believe are changing the landscape for "marketects" all across the globe. As we begin the back half of 2008, we would like to cover another emerging trend in brand-building: Personal Branding. The topic of personal branding is showing up more and more in both career development and professional coaching contexts. We believe BDNI partner, Brenda Bence, has come up with a whole new twist on the subject. Brenda's recently released book - How YOU are like Shampoo - walks readers step-by-step through those same, proven, brand-building principles that we teach for corporate brands ... but adapts them for your personal use. We think that as a marketer, you'll enjoy learning about Brenda's Personal Branding System and how it relates to you - or should we say 'YOU' - in your role as corporate marketers.

The DISPATCHESTM for July 13, 2008 can be found here:

An Interview With Brenda Bence - About You

It is also available in PDF here:

AnInterviewWithBrendaBence.pdf (PDF File)

Sunday, July 06, 2008


We've taken time off from work to join in on the long Independence Day weekend holiday celebration. We hope that you, too, have had a lovely weekend. And, since many of you were out last week, or extra busy given the short workweek, we are reissuing our State of Marketing survey. We beg your help in taking a few minutes to complete this survey. Our interest in this subject is noted below.

Marketing has and continues to evolve in importance, function and form. Each week we share our learning and knowledge with you through DISPATCHES, to help empower marketing. We're hopeful that this week you'll share with us. Specifically, we are interested in learning from those of you in our DISPATCHES marketing community more about the state of marketing as it is currently perceived and practiced throughout the world.

Our goal is to gain a fix on where marketing stands both in the absolute and relative to other functional areas by sector and geography as perceived by different levels of marketing management. Accordingly, we are requesting your help. Please participate in our State of Marketing electronic survey to share with us how marketing is being practiced in your organization. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to complete. We will share our learnings with you.

THANKS FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION in furthering our mutual knowledge and understanding of the current state of marketing.

Note: If you experience any difficulty in easily interfacing with the attached link, it could be your browser. Please try opening it in Internet Explorer, Firefox or other mainstream browser and then copy and paste the link in your address bar. Thank you.

Here is the link: